ECE124: Digital Circuits and Systems

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Pre Midterm: Combinational Circuits (Part 1)

Post Midterm: Sequential Systems (Part 2)

Analysis and Design of Synchronous Sequential Systems

Start with informal specification of desired system

  1. Formalize system with state diagram. Reduce state diagram by merging equivilant states. State Assignment.
  2. State Table.
  3. Draw circuit diagram
Resistors and Counters
Memory & Programmable logic devices

Notes are for post midterm material.

4 Combinational Logic

A circuit whose outputs are Boolean functions of its inputs is a combinational circuit.

For speed, use 2-level implementations, for minimization, use simplified expressions.

Half Adders sum two inputs and has two outputs, S (sum, with XOR gate) and C (carry, with AND gate).

Full Adder sums three inputs. Implemented with two half adders and an AND gate.

Decoders can, for example, take 3 inputs to 8 outputs, with 8 AND gates.

Encoders take 8 inputs and binary representation of the selected input in terms of three outputs (z = d1 + d3 + d5 + d7, y = d2 + d3 + d5 + d7, x = d4 + d5 + d6 + d7).

Multiplexers are switches that connect selected inputs to their outputs. Can be used to implement any function of n variables with a 2^(n-1)-to-one-line multiplexer.

5 Synchronous Sequential Circuits

Sequential Circuits contain memory elements. Mealy machine output depends on inputs AND the state of memory elements. Moore machines' outputs depend only on the current state. Uses circuit feedback. A circuit that is a loop with two NOT gates (using feedback) holds two steady states Q and Q'.

Flip-Flops use "edge-triggered" enabler inputs to allow time for the combinational logic outputs to reach their correct values, simultaneously. These are sequential using the clock signal.

Positive edge triggering enables when the signal goes from 0 to 1. Negative edge triggering enables when the signal goes from 1 to 0.

Characteristic tables are truth tables where outputs can be written as state prior to triggering as Q(t) and after triggering as Q(t+1). Same with characteristic equations.

Flip flops having timings:

5.5 Design & Analysis of Synchronous Sequential Circuits

Clock driven circuits with memory elements.

One design procedure, given state diagram or state specifications:

  1. Write/Find Table for output and next state based on input and current state.
  2. Assigning binary codes to states (important for determining # of flip flops)
  3. excitation table for flip flops (can extend the state table)
  4. Using k-maps, find equations for the flip flop gate inputs and equations for function outputs
  5. draw circuit from equations

If given circuit:

  1. write equations
  2. Assign states based on flip flops
  3. Derrive a state table

State Assignment is identifying each state as a binary string. These binary strings represent each flip flop that stores a bit:

State Binary Gray Code One-Hot
a 000 000 00001
b 001 001 00010
c 010 011 00100
d 011 010 01000
e 100 110 10000

Excitation Tables are convinient for JK and T flip-flops. They show how to drive desired state transitions. For JK flip-flops:

Q(t) Q(t+1) J K
0 0 0 X
0 1 1 X
1 0 X 1
1 1 X 0

JK flip-flop implementation:

JK Flip Flop

Excitation Tables are very important for circuit analysis. They are the core tool for reasoning out a circuit's state diagram. In more complex excitation tables, header might look like:

Present State, Inputs Next state, Flip flop inputs

Or inputs can be moved into the header to make the table shorter:

Present state Next State based on X Output Z based on X
X=0 X=1 X=0 X=1

States can be reduced by merging states with the same outputs (based on input) or if they are equivalent by the property of state equivalence:

6 Register & Counters

Registers are a collection of flip-flops that store a collection of bits.

Counters a class of registers that cycle through predetermined state sequences.

Parallel Loading allows a circuit to load all information simultaneously (and synchronously using a clock) into the register. n-bit register with parallel load can be implemented with n 2-to-one multiplexers, that choose between read/write (load), and n D flip-flops which store the n bits.

Shift Registers shift information to neighbouring cells. With two (first takes input from itself, second also takes input from first), serial transfer can be done to copy information from one register to another.

Universal Shift Register can shift both ways, implemented using 4 4x1 MUX for state selection and a 4 bit register. (states 3: parallel inputs, 2: shift left, 1: shift right, 0: read/hold)

Ripple Counters use negative edge triggered T flip-flops whose outputs feed into the next flip-flop's clock input. All T inputs are set by input LOGIC. They are non synchronous and use the clock input to ripple instead.

Synchronous Counters use T flip flops, clock driven. A given flip flop will toggle if all previous values are 1. Counter can also be implemented with parallel load, allowing counter to be set to a value.

Bi-directional counters use T flip-flops. Flip flop will toggle if all previous flip flops are 1 and going up, or if all previous flip flops are 0 and going down.

Counters with parallel load can be implemented with JK flip flops.

7 Memory and Programmable Logic

Memory decoding is converting address lines to appropriate select inputs for an array of binary cells. For a binary cell, SR latch with input, select, read/write mode and output. For a selected cell:

Error detection and correction is used to increase reliability of memory.

Hamming Code defines parity conditions. When checking parity, set an associated "check bit" to 0 if parity is correct, 1 otherwise.

ROM element has k inputs (address) for 2^k • n bits of ROM and n outputs.

AND arrays and OR arrays operate on rows of inputs depending on the address line. An array is programmed by blowing all fuses in the array except for those crossed out with X's, denoting an intact fuse. Programmable Logic Device (PLD) have 3 types:

For a PLA, each input goes through a buffer-inverter gate (triange with two outputs one is inverted, output synchronously), the AND array has 2n columns for n inputs, and k rows (the AND gates) for k product terms. The intersections marked with X's are used for a product term. Each OR gate going vertically in the second array sums the product terms marked with X's to define a function.

PLA Programming table, for F1 = AB + AC and F2 = AC + A'B'C':

Product term Inputs Output Functions
term A B C F1 F2
AB 1 1 - 1 -
AC 1 - 1 1 1
A'B'C' 0 0 0 - 1