Operating Systems

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Three views of an OS:


Threads expose parallelism, enabling faster program execution and better processor utilization through less blocking

preemption is forcing a running thread to stop so that another thread has a chance to run, accomplished using interrupts (maybe a timer based)


Critical section is some portion of memory shared between threads

Hardware-specific synchronization instruction, xchg provides a way to test and set a lock in a sing atomic operation (instead of multiple)

OS/161 has locks which block instead of spinning

Wait channels are used to implement thread blocking

Semaphore keeps track of how many resources are available

c++ // like lock acquire implementation? wait(lock * my_lock, cv * my_cv) ??? ??? lock_release(lock) wchannel_sleep(cv -> ) lock_acquire(lock)

Bounded Buffer can be written with locks and CVs

CV implementation, 1 lock and 4 CV for assignment 1. Don't use timers. Use pressure-plate like behaviour for fairness. Let k more cars or if the intersection clears, switch.

If you own the lock that you try to acquire, you get a deadlock

2 techniques for prevention

// now guaranteed to have A and B

Not great because context switch isnt guaranteed, and we are spinning

Resource ordering, assign all resources a unique number and then you must acquire resources in strictly increasing order

Suppose that a threaded program has N queues of items. The program needs to support an operation called Transfer i,j). Each call to Transfer will transfer a single item from the ith queue to the jth queue, unless there is nothing in the queue, in which case the call will not affect the queues. The program will have multiple concurrent threads, each of which may call Transfer zero or more times. How would you use locks to ensure that Transfer operations are atomic? Specifically, how many locks would you use, what would each lock protect, and when would the locks be acquired and released to ensure that transfers are atomic?


a process is the environment created to run a program in

a process has an array of threads, data, files

kernel abstracts physical ram as virtual memory, remaps addresses to 0, so every process is isolated and each thinks it is the only thing running; processes dont talk to each other

process management calls: creation, destruction, synchronization, attribute management

fork Creates an identical clone, child, returns 0 if its the child

exit terminates, stores a final message (status code) and turns the process into a zombie

waitpid makes process go to sleep until process with pid terminates, can omly be called on children


You need synchronization around the global parts of sys4 implementation

System calls to implement:

  1. pid_t fork
// entry point
entrypt( void *tf, unsigned long ) {
  // take parent's trap frame and put it on the kernel stack
  struct trapframe t = *tf;
  // setup return value for fork, which need to go in the trap frame for that thread
  t.tf.v0 = 0
  t.tf.a3 = ...
  t.tf.pc += 4 // program counter
  mips_usermode // fake the return from the exception
  1. parent could have to wait until the child is finished (but it's slow)
  2. copy the parent's trap frame to the heap, and pass it to the child (so no synchronization issue)

  3. waitpid

A note on Page faults

If the kernel panics on a page fault, it's just telling you you're getting a segfault: doing something with memory you're not allowed to do

Virtual Memory

Warning: Do hex math on exam

In our address space, code starts at 0, followed by data. Data grows up. Stack starts on the far right and grows right.

In OS-161, stack is set by OS.

Each process has an address space. OS allocates some ram for the process based on its request (code + data size). Core map is a data structure that is used to track memory that's used vs. free. Each address space is mapped with respect to 0, and uses fake addresses.

Aside: modern operating systems randomize position of code, data, stack and heap to hide any information about the process structure itself

Address Translation: performed by the hardware by the MMU. Every time there's a context switch, the kernel tells the MMU how to translate instruction addresses. We have three goals

Dynamic Relocation: most efficient scheme in both time and space.

Paging: divide memory into small segments (frames or physical pages). Now we can request ANY frames

V -> virtual addr
PGSIZE = page size = frame size
FRAME# = lookup(PG#)
         = FRAME# x PGSIZE + OFFSET
         = first address of page + offset into page
#OF_PGS = VMemSize / PGSIZE (not virtual address size)
     = 2^16 / 2^12 
     = 2^4 pages
#BITSPERPG = log (#OF_PGS) (these are bits to address pages)
           = log (2^4)
           = 4


a) bitsforoffset = 16
pages = 2^16
b) bitsforpageaddr = 16
c) 48

Vmemsize = 2^16
Physmemsize = 2^18
pagesize = 2^12
pages = 2^4
pageaddrbits = 4

phys = framesize x frame# + offset
phys = 2^12 * 0x26 + 2c
     = 0x900 * 0x26 + 2c

page# = 0x1
frame# = 0x26


so the format of the solution for "given v find p using page tables": first calculate b, the # of bits needed for the page address, take the first b bits of v and lookup in our page table to get f the frame number. Finally "append" them together.

Translation Look-aside Buffer

Page table lookups are slow. The idea is, when an address needs to translated, check the cache before leaving the CPU to memory. Improves performance, especially on sequential reads (like programs, arrays, etc...)

Page fault is when the TLB does not have the page cached already so it throws an exception to be handled by the kernel (as in software managed tlbs)

  1. If TLB is full, perform eviction
  2. Else load the page into cache
  3. Update PTE present bit
  4. Return from exception and retry memory access

We want to try to limit page faults. This can be done by

  1. Having a good cache eviction algorithm (round robin skip method)
  2. Prefetch relevant pages
  3. Limit number of processes to prevent cycling cache evicitons

What is the clock replacement algorithm for cache eviction?
Modified round robin heuristic with a skip bit. Every time a page table entry is used, set the skip bit to 1. When evicting, round robin and skip any tlb entries that have a value 1, zeroing it as it’s passed. Evict the first 0.


So far, been putting entire address space of each process in memory (with a large space between the stack and the heap).

Address Spaces

Modern OS's use on demand leaves them on disk, and only load frames into memory the exact moment it's needed. Downside, everytime you address something that's not in RAM, you need to fetch it from disk (slow process)

Executable and linking format (ELF) files

50 / 50 split between user and kernel

In OS161/MIPS, given a physical address, it could have come from 3 possible spots: kuseg, kseg0, or kseg1


Scheduling is a problem of ordering jobs based on parameters like arrival time, duration/size, priority. Simple approaches include round robin and shortest job. Pre-emption can be used so that jobs don’t have to run in one pass, they can be stopped in between. This allows for round robin with a runtime, or longest time remaining. In the context of operating systems, jobs are processes, and often processes do not have a known duration. Jobs can also be blocked when doing CPU scheduling.

CFS (linux completely fair scheduler) is a weighted scheduling system that tries to balance process runtimes based on weight which is semantically a process’ priority. At any time, the amount of effective CPU time a process gets should be approximately it’s percentage of the total weight of all jobs (job weight/ sum of all weights). We measure this will virtual runtime, which can be calculated as the actual runtime * all weights / job weight, and CFS will attempt to have equal virtual runtime across all processes.

This is implemented in two possible ways.

  1. Shared queue. Requires mutual exclusion, so contention increases as we have more cores requesting work. But should maintain fairness extremely well.
  2. Separate per-core queues. Scales better as we won’t have cores waiting on the locked queue for work. However, load imbalance is very possible and requires periodic rebalancing. This is called thread migration.

Hardware Devices

What are device registers vs device drivers?

Device drivers are the kernel code that interacts with hardware devices.

Device registers are either status or command, (read/write) and act as an interface for sending and receiving information from a hardware device.

  1. Memory mapped IO. Each register has a physical memory address
  2. Special I/O Instructions, in x86 in and out

Current time status registers
Restart-on-expiry command
Countdown status+command
Beep command

Data transfer to/from devices is facilitated by a data buffer. Two options for transferring to or from this buffer

  1. Program controlled, cpu transfers bytes but blocks cpu
  2. Direct Memory Access, CPU initiates, device controller does the transfer and notifies completion via an interrupt.

Went over disks. Old hard drives had spinning disks for large data storage. Disks are divided into tracks and have blocks/sectors on each track. Disks use a mechanical head the seeks across tracks while the disk spins. We want to minimize seek time (time for head to move across tracks), rotational latency (how fast the disk spins and how much it has to rotate to line up the starting block) and finally transfer time (time taken to spin through number of sequential blocks). In practice, software can only optimize seek time.

What is the elevator algorithm for disk head scheduling?
Always seek in one direction (either inwards or outwards) until there are no more read requests in the given direction, then go the other direction. In this way, read/write operations are batched, with a maximum latency guarantee of two full end to end seeks, preventing starvation.

File Systems


  1. Open(filepath, option), returns a file descriptor for the file at file path. The file descriptor is unique (per process) and is stored in a process’ file descriptor table. This might create a new file depending on the options passed in.
  2. Close(descriptor), invalidates a valid file descriptor.
  3. Read(fd, length, options), performs sequential read for a file corresponding to the descriptor provided, of length specified by the parameter.
  4. Write “”
  5. lseek(fd, size, offset, option)?
  6. Meta-data like chmod

Persistent data structures:

  1. File data
  2. I-nodes
  3. Links + directories

Directories are special case of files. They have an i-number and an i-node.
Directories use hard links to the files in it. A hard link is a mapping from a pathname to an i-number. I numbers are unique, pathnames are not. Once all hard links are deleted, the file is effectively deleted too. Hard links cannot be made to directories in order to prevent cycles in file system structure.

Very Simple File System (VSFS) is an implementation of the logical file system. It uses I nodes to store file meta data. An i-node is a fixed size, 256 bytes, containing file size, number of data blocks, and up to 12 pointers to data blocks (either direct or with some degree of indirection depending on the implementation of the file system, we covered double and triple). VSFS has all the i-nodes at the start of the file system in addition to the superblock, i-node bit map and the data block bitmap. Bitmaps are a simple block of binary data that corresponds to which data/i-node locations are in use vs free. This is for fast lookup (constant time) for finding free I-nodes or data blocks. Finally, the superblock holds all the file system information like i-node capacity and location of the i-node table.

A file system might observe power failure or unexpected shutdown, and use be tolerant to such failure. Two options to do so are,

  1. Special purpose restoration tools that look for inconsistencies in expected data structures and tries to fix them.
  2. Journaling file system operations and replaying journals during crash recovery.