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- batch, conversational, graphical are interface types
Express intention ot controller, translates to change model, view presents to person to perceive
interface is what's presented to the user
interactions are the sequence of actions a person expresses
- batch interfaces are like punch cards
- conversational interfaces get feedback during execution, CLI
- Recognition over Recall enables discovery of new options
Handles I/O, where output is drawing graphically. Provides "low level" input, output and window management capabilities to the OS
X Windows is the standard system for
- essentially a protocol
Design Criteria
- display independent
- device independent
- network transparent
- support multiple displays
- overlapping, resizable windows
- extensible
X Client-server architecture
- separate the UI from the application
- typiclaly runs on an event loop
0,0 is top left
3 Drawing primatives: pixel, stroke and ergion
Graphics Context(GC) holds all options in a structure and is passed to the draw routine
- in X, GC is on the X Server
- fast to switch between contexts since reduced network request size between client and server
- modern systems (OpenGL) have GC, called attribute state
in Xlib
Painter's Algorithm is a really primitve algorithm to draw more complex shapes (combine, layers)
- to paint, a program needs low level primatives, or high level things like game sprites, buttons, etc..
- bunch of
base class objects, where derived classes are for things you wnat to paiunt
- ordered display list for layers
- other displayables are polylines, text, shapes, clipRectangle
Makes it easier to maintain code by allowing the interface (view or controller) to be easily changed. Makes for better unit testing.