Secure Socket Layer
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Transport Layer Security (TLS), preceded by SSL, are cryptographic protocols, that provide communication security.
- client-server applications use TLS protocols
- aims to provide data integrity between two communicating computer applications
- standard for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser
- link ensures all data transfer is private
- an SSL connection requires an SSL certificate, using public and private keys
- public key is placed into Certificate Signing Request (a CSR file containing your details)
- submit the CSR, then during SSL certificate application process, the certification authority will validate your details, and issues an SSL certificate containing your details and allowing you to use SSL.
- SSL certs contain the domain name, company name, your address, your city, country
- SSL cert matches to the private key, held on the web server
Web Sockets
Sockets are endpoints of two way communication. Unix domain sockets use TCP or UDP. SSL (secure socket layer) is the standard security protocol.
Let's Encrypt
Certbot is an automatic client that fetches and deploys SSL/TLS certs for webservers. Client for Let's Encrypt
chmod a+x certbot-auto
# kill server
./certbot-auto certonly