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Hooking describes a range of techniques for altering behaviour of some software component by intercepting function calls, message or events passed between software components.
- debugging
- extending functionality
- intercepting hardware events (mouse clicks)
A callback is a piece of executable code passed as an argument to be called back later.
- implemented as subroutines, lambda expressions, function pointers
- synchronous callbacks called in the function code
- deferred callbacks called after the function returns
A method of augmenting or altering the behaviour of a web page using callbacks.
- "user-defined HTTP callbacks"
- often triggered by some event (pushing code to a repo), comment posting...
- upon event, the source site makes an HTTP request to the URI configured for the webhook
- with github, webhooks allow you to build or set up integrations around events
- updated external trackers, trigger CI builds, update backup mirror, deploy to production
- webhook can be installed on an organization or repo
github has a list of events that can trigger webhooks