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Structs and Classes

struct Coord {
    int x,y;
Coord a; // struct is allocated on the run-time STACK
a.x = 3; 
Coord* p; // dynamic instantiation of struct through pointer, on the HEAP.
p->x = 4; // pointer attribute
delete p; // will persist until explicitly deleted


C++ templates are the C++ language mechanism that can be used to implement generic functions and classes. Templates are expanded at compile-time. Vector is an example where vector the defined container for any generic type. The Standard Template Library (STL) provides containers, algorithms, iterators and enables functional programming.

Function Template

template<class type> ret-type func-name(parameter list){

Type generic swap function:

template <typename T>
void mySwap(T &x, T &y){
    const T temp = x;

Class Template

template<typename type> 
class class-name {
    // class content


string v;
vector<string> s1;
s1.push_back("alpha"); // puts element at the end
s1.pop_back(v); // deletes last element, assigns to string v (optional)
s1.insert("beta"); // inserts element

C++ map

map data type implements the idea of a dictionary. map, multipmap, set, multiset are ordered containers.

map<T1, T2> m;,

//records number of times each word appears
map<string, int> m;
string token;
while(cin >> token){
m.erase("the"); // deletes a key

C++11 added unsorted versions, unordered_map, unordered_multimap...


A fundamental design pattern, for iterating through a data structure.

If c is a vector, deque, list, set, etc... then

vector<string>::const_iterator   vi = v.begin;
map<int, string>::iterator       mi = mymap.begin();
list<Figure*>::reverse_iterator  li = scene.rbegin();
\  This is the type, iterator /

Application using for loop:

for(map<string, int>::const_iterator i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); i++) {
    cout << i->first << i->second << endl; // first is key, second is val


f(iter1, iter2, arg1, arg2)

Reference parameters

Regular parameter passing is call-by-value. C++ can pass a reference without passing a pointer itself:

void swap(int& x, int& y);

Reference Parameters vs. Pointers

// Common usage
void GiveRaise1 (Employee e, int raise) {} // created on stack
void GiveRaise3 (Employee &e, int &raise) {} // references to objects, changes propagate back
void GiveRaise4 (const Employee &e) {} // e references a constant object

// Uncommon
void GiveRaise2 (const Employee e, const int raise) {} // created on stack, may not be changed
void GiveRaise5 (Employee *e) {} // pointer to employee obj, copy of a pointer on the stack
void GiveRaise6 (const Employee *e) {} // pointer to const Employee
void GiveRaise7 (Employee *const e) {} // pointer can't point to new obj, Employee can be changed
void GiveRaise8 (const Employee *const e) {} // const pointer to const obj

Dynamic Arrays, new


const int N = 5;
int A[N]; // legal
int m; cin >> m;
int B[m]; // illegal, size is not known at compile time

Dynamically (C++ Only) using new

cin >> N;
int * A = new int[N];

Object-Oriented Programming

Balloon b;
Balloon *pb = new Balloon;
class Balloon : public ParentClass{     // class declaration, with parent, in .h file
        Balloon(); // constructor
        Balloon(string colour); // constructor with parameter
        Balloon(const Balloon & b); // Copy constructor, overrides how obj is copied
        virtual ~Balloon();     // allows for redefinition in derived classes
        virtual speak() const = 0;
        string getColour() const ; // constant method, cannot change object
        void setColour(string c);
        static balloon_counter; // class variable
        string colour;
// Method definitions, in .cc file
Balloon::Balloon () {
    this->colour = “clear”;
Balloon::Balloon (string colour){
    this->colour = colour;
Balloon::Balloon(string colour) : ParentClass(), colour(colour) {}     
// shorthand syntax, stops double instantiation of object parameters, calls parent constructor

Balloon::~Balloon (){
    cerr << "Deleted!";
}     // destructor

Rule of 3 states that for the copy ctor, dtor, or = operator, if any need to be manually implemented, then all 3 should be overridden.