Artificial neural network
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Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are simple mathematical models defining f: X -> Y
or a distribution over X or both X and Y
Uses a connectionism model, based on modelling mental phenomena using interconnected units. Neural Networks are a computational approach based on a collection of neural units connected by axons.
- each neural unit holds a function of all of it's inputs, whose output is propagated to other neural units
- typically consist of multiple layers or a cube design where signal path traverses from front to back
- in connectionist models, networks change over time
A single neuron takes input from other nodes and computes an output
- inputs have associated weights for relative importance
- the node applies a function f to the weighted sums + b (bias)
- f is a non-linear Activation Function
- purpose is to introduce non-linearity into the output of a neuron
- most real world data is non-linear, so this is needed for representation
- Sigmoid: takes real-valued input and squashes into a range between 0 and 1
- tanh: real -> [-1,1]
- ReLU: Rectified Linear Unit is f(x) = max(0,x), threshold at 0
Bias lets you shift the activation function left or right, which may be critical for success
- without bias, an activation function can only change in steepness, while bias lets you represent more real world trends in data
Feedforward Neural Networks are the simplest type of NN
- neurons arranged in layers, and nodes between layers have connections and associated weights
- nodes are typed based on which layer they're in: input, hidden, or output
- feedforward, information only moves in one direction- no cycles
- single layer perceptron has no hidden layers, while multi layer perceptron (MLP) has one or more
- MLPs learn through the Backpropagation algorithm
- one way NNs are trained
- supervised, learning from mistakes
- initially all edge weights are random
- for every input, the output is compared to the desired one, and error is propagated back to the previous layer
Convolutional Neural Networks
A category of Neural Networks, effective in image recognition and classification
- tagging scene recognition, object recognition, NLP sentence classification
Feed-forward neural network: connections between units are acyclic, and is unidirectional
- individual neurons respond to stimuli in a restricted region of space known as the receptive field
- overlap between receptive fields of neruons are the visual field
- convolution is the operation on two first class functions
and g
to produce a third function- modified version of one of the original functions, giving the integral of pointwise multiplication of the two functions
CNN's capacity can be controlled by varying their depth and breadth (layers), and make strong assumptions with less needed connections
- faster to train since less connections, theoretical "best-performance" is only slightly worse dispite less connections
- ImageNet challenge is to create a classifier that determines which object is in the image
- in this implementation, they use ReLU instead of tanh for activiation functions (since it has 10x performance)
- multiple GPUs, each handling different convolutional layers
- local response normalization
- overlapping pooling
Maxout networks are designed to work with dropout networks
- dropout is like training an exponential number of networks