1 Classes of Problems in Machine Learning
Back to Data-Science
- Evolved from AI, new capability for computers
- Database mining (web click data, medical records, biology, engineering)
- Robotics, handwriting recognition, self-customizing programs
Formal Definition: program learns from experience E with respect to class of tasks T and performance measure P, if performance (P) at tasks in T improve with experience (E)
Supervised Learning
- Given data set, with intended output, produce right answer
- Regression problem, output of continuous values
- Linear approximation and taylor polynomial
- Classification problem, determine probability of a discrete valued output (0,1)
Unsupervised Learning
- Given data set, not necessarily with knowledge of the data, find some structure to data (clustering of data)
- Algorithm will discover conclusive information and structure from data
- Ex: Cocktail party algorithm, takes audio inputs of two speakers, separate to independent files
- Ex: group people with similar genetics together in clusters
- Octave is a language tailored well to Machine Learning.
Linear Regression One Var
In regression problems, given input variables, try to find a continuous expected result function
- univariate linear regression is used to predict a single output value y from single input x
- supervised learning, we have an idea of what input/output should be
Hypothesis function is of the form of linear approximation:
ŷ = h.theta(x) = theta0 + theta1•x
- based on random guesses and iterations, the hypothesis function fits itself to the training data
Cost Function measures the accuracy of our hypothesis function
- use squared error function, or mean squared error function
J(theta0, theta1) = (1/2)•x̄
, where x̄
is the mean squared error
- we define error as
, square each difference and take the mean of these
- since we're calculating the distance from hypothesis to actual values, we want euclidean distance
- sum of squares has the nice property of punishing overestimation and underestimation equally
- squaring function can be differentiated, yielding linear forms which can be used for optimization
- sum of squares is a convex cost function, guaranteeing a global min for convergence
- absolute value functions are non differentiable, so sum of squares is superior
Gradient Descent
Recall that the gradient vector ∇f = (fx, fy)
is like a derrivative for a field (fx = ∂f/∂x)
- if we graph the hypothesis function based on its fields theta0 and theta1 (graphing the cost function as a function of the parameter estimates)
- that is, if we tested all possible inputs for theta0 and theta1 in a constrained x-y region, plotting the resulting cost function on the z-axis, we get 3D curve that we can find the local min of using constrained optimization
gradient descent is recursively finding the derivative at some point, following the tangent line's slope down closer to the min
- reminds me of applying Newton's method for approximating the absolute minimum
- the size of each step is determined by the learning rate, related to the parameter α
- repeat until convergence: θj := θj - α•∂/∂θj • J(theta0,theta1)
- α is the learning rate, too low is slow and too high results in divergence