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See prerequisite math and foundational machine learning and neural networks
Deep Learning models that support inferences and are robustly applicable to many problems
- speech
- computer vision
- language understanding
A model can be seen as a computation graph (DAG), whose nodes represent operations, leaves are the input and root is the output
- the depth of a model is the longest distance in the graph
- the depth of the model can be less than the depth of the problem, meaning the model has a more limited understanding of the problem
- is a kind of representation learning or feature learning
Optimization and Training techniques -- source
Hyper-parameters are picked constants that largely influence the effectiveness of an algorithm
- tuning hyper-parameters is time consuming because benchmarking effectiveness requires a full trial run
- in 2012, most hyper-parameters were picked from human intuition
- random search turns out to work well, since:
- the parameter space usually has a low effective dimensionality
- importance of some parameters vary with datasets
- grid search might miss information if one axis of the grid is independent to the result (thus we have lots of wasted trials)
- graphing box and whisker plots for expected best trial (in accuracy) for given number of random trials
- deep networks have LOTS of hyper-parameters (many per layer)
Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors
- simple technique for reducing overfitting: randomly drop (50% change) a hidden unit, called dropout
- co-adaptation in biology is the process by which two or more species undergo adaptation as a pair or group
- undergoing natural selection together, through evolutionary pressure
- better isolates neurons as feature detectors, more independent contributions
- as a mental model, a neural network with n units can be seen as a collection of 2n possible thinned networks, with shared weighting and each individual thinned network is tested rarely
Regularization in deep learning is used to add an extra term to the cost function (weight decay, L2 regularization)
max-norm regularization works well in conjunction with dropout. Bounds the norm of the weight vector at each hidden unit by c
, clipping constant.
Deep Generative Models
- Vision and speech comes down to finding representations of features
- utilize clustering of supervised learning
- Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM)
- generative stochastic artificial neural network, that can learn a probability distribution
- visible variables (pixel intensity)
- hidden variables (features)
- "tell me the features, and it will generate a semantic response"
- images and composed of learned features
- every text document can be represented as a linear combination of topics
- recommendation system uses collaborative filtering
- in a neueral network:
- multinomial visible: user ratings
- binary hidden: user preference
- closed form to compute output of the models very quickly
- product of experts:
- use combination of topics to determine conditional probabilities of semantics
- unlabelled -> edges -> combination of edges (higher level)
- scale models up with higher level features
- model formulation
- bottom up inference
- top down feedback
Multimodal Learning & Learning with Structured Outputs
- Images are dense, text (descriptions) are sparce
- we want to
- heiarchical model (abstract them separately at low level features) and combine the modals at a high level feature
- encoder: convolutional Neural Network
- decoder: neural language model
- image -> semantic feature space -> description
- visual attention models (features as focal points of images)
- important for caption generation
- looks at the proper spots in the image
- Helmholtz Machines / Variational Autoencoders (heiretical models)
- Holistic Scene Understanding -- finding features, with structured prediction
- important to learn with constraints and priors
- unsupervised
- reasoning and natural language understanding
- sequence to sequence learning
- neural machine translation (language)
- Forward RNN and backwards RNN
- Gated Attention Mechanism with element-wise multiplication
recurrent Neural Network
- deep reinforcement