Introduction to Technologies
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Very fast in-memory data processing framework, ~100x faster than Hadoop
- Hadoop writes everything to disk, while spark is in-memory
- multi-step processing is slow with lots of disk writes
- Hadoop has lots of boilerplate code, and requires libraries to reduce its verbosity
- Hadoop has HBase, running on top of HDFS, with everything replicated on each node
- is best suited for analytics on data lakes
- Cassandra offers performance over HBase (which is only designed for data lake use cases)
Spark and the Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)
- Spark with its SQL query API provides a comfortable interface for distributed analysis
- Spark API is designed after the RDD abstracting out the data (ignoring the underlying implementation, potentially across many machines) into a signle enumerable data structure
- RDD works through chaining together a series of transformations in a functional style
Transformations and Actions are the two functions types
- Transformations change state of the dataset
- Actions extract information from the datase
Background: OLTP OLAP
transactional OLTP and analytical OLAP describe the intent of some data system
- OLTP uses INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and has high volume of trnasactions
- OLAP has few transactions, but many queries
- more complex queries with aggregations
- OLAP databases hold aggregates, historical data, with multi-dimensional schemas
- OLAP often uses star-schema (or other multi-dimensional schemas)
- simply, a schema (represented as a graph) composed of Dimension Tables and Fact Tables as the nodes, connected by edges describing the dimensionality of a Fact Table
- each dimension is represented with a 1-D table
- Fact Table holds
keys relating each dimension to a table
- the Fact Table describes a
, some hypercube of n-dimensional coordinates, where each coordinate is decribed some some tuple of values in a 1-D Dimension table
Spark Task Distribution Optimiation
Important to partition data for optimized performance
- order of operations is critical
- data should be partitioned with a lower bound of 2 times the number of cores
- any task should be at least 100ms to warrent distribution
curl -o ~/Downloads/spark-2.1.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz