Naive Bayes
Supervised learning algorithm that applies bayes' theorem with the naive assumption of independence between every pair of features
- recall that Bayes is:
P(y|x1,...,xn) = P(y)P(x1,...,xn|y)/P(x1,...,xn)
- the naive independence assumption is that P(xi|y,x1,...xi-1,xi+1,xn) = P(xi|y)
- because of independence, probability of y given the feature vector is equal to the product of the individual conditional probabilities of each individual feature
- P(x1,...,xn|y) = P(x1|y)•...•P(xn|y)
- decoupling class y conditional features means that each distribution can be individually estimated as a one dimensional distribution, so alleviates curse of dimensionality problems
- variants of the Naive Baysian classifier stem from different assumed distributions for each of the individual features
Maximum a posteriori estimation