Structured Query Language (SQL)

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A language for communicating with databases. SQL databases organize information in tables, where the rows are the data. SQL is case-insensitive, when displayed in many consoles like the rails console, keywords will be capitalized.

Selecting Data

SELECT is used to query the database to retrieve data based on the criteria in the query:

SELECT "column1"
  FROM "tablename"
  [WHERE "condition"];

The LIKE pattern matching operator can be used to match groups of string with wildcard operator %. WHERE column1 LIKE '%s'; will match all rows from selected, whose column 1 ends with an 's'.

Creating Tables

CREATE TABLE "tablename" 
("column1" "data type"
 "column2" "data type"
 "column3" "data type"

Data Types

Data types take a size argument.

char() (max 255 bytes), varchar() (no max), number() (size specifies # of digits), date, number(size,d) (d specifies # of decimal points.


A rule associated with a column that the data entered must follow. A UNIQUE constraint specifies that no two records can share a value. NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY defines unique identifier (like id fields).

Inserting into Table

INSERT INTO employee
  (first, last, age, address, city, state)
  VALUES ('Luke', 'Duke', 45, '2130 Boars Nest', 
          'Hazard Co', 'Georgia');

Updating Records

Update all records that match a condition.

UPDATE "tablename"
SET "columnname" = 
 [,"nextcolumn" = 
WHERE "columnname" 
  OPERATOR "value" 
 [AND|OR "column" 
  OPERATOR "value"];

[ ] = optional

Deleting Records

DELETE FROM "tablename"

WHERE "columnname" 
  OPERATOR "value" 
[and|or "column" 
  OPERATOR "value"];

[ ] = optional

DROP TABLE "tablename"

deletes all records AND the table.

Advanced Selecting

SQL is powerful for selecting groups of records quickly. DISTINCT selects unique records:

SELECT DISTINCT column1 FROM tablename

Aggregate Functions

For numeric columns, MIN, MAX, SUM, AVG, COUNT (returns # of values in column)

Example: Find highest paid employees in each department:

SELECT max(salary), dept
FROM employee 
GROUP BY dept;

HAVING clause

HAVING follows a GROUP BY clause that specifies a condition to filter out rows after aggregations (not to be confused with WHERE which introduces a condition on individual rows).

ORDER BY clause

ORDER BY is optional clause which allows displayed results of query to be sorted.

SELECT column1, SUM(column2) 
FROM "list-of-tables" 
ORDER BY "column-list" [ASC | DESC];

In & Between

IN is a conditional operator that is a set membership.

SELECT employeeid, lastname, salary
FROM employee_info
WHERE lastname IN ('Hernandez', 'Jones', 'Roberts', 'Ruiz');

BETWEEN is a conditional operator for a range.

SELECT employeeid, age, lastname, salary
FROM employee_info

Table Joins

A join is selecting from multiple tables: FROM table1, table2. Table joins are an integral part of relational databases. If you have customers making purchases, one table would be wasteful, since customer information would be copied for each purchase.

For tables customers and purchases, an inner join would look like:

SELECT customers.first, customers.last, purchases.item
FROM customers, purchases
WHERE customers.customer_id = purchases.customer_id;

Or the proper/equivalent syntax (add INNER JOIN and replace WHERE with ON:

SELECT customers.first, customers.last, purchases.item
FROM customers INNER JOIN purchases
ON customers.customer_id = purchases.customer_id;

Table Union

UNION puts rows from 2 queries after each other. UNION requires both queries to share columns.

