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Simple Queue Service is a message queue system that stores messages as they move between servers
- does not guarantee preservation of order of messages
- acts as a buffer (default 4 days, up to 14), allowing either server to have downtime without loss of messages
- useful especially if processing servers cannot fully handle spiky load, allowing messages to be queued up in high traffic spikes
visibility timeouts are configurable periods of time for how much message processing time is allowed before passing the message to a different component for processing
delay queues are similar in that they configure a period of time in which a message is unavailable, but different in that the message is invisible in a delay queue
long polling is a configuration that can drastically reduce CPU-cycle cost and load by adding a wait period between polls (1 to 20 seconds)
- provides a layer of access control, more fine-grained than IAM (like what content is viewable from a certain account in an SQS queue)