Databases through RDS and Redshift
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Data stores can be deployed on EC2, but may require extensive configuration to meet availability or performance needs
Amazon RDS wraps over 6 different RDBMS engines
- MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and others
- recall that relational databases can be categorized as OLTP (transaction) and OLAP (analytical)
- handles vertical and horizontal scaling, possibly over multiple availability zones
- handles backups, restoration, patching, security through IAM
Amazon Redshift is a fully managed relational database for OLAP scenarios for data warehousing
- Redshift is a cluster, containing possibly many databases
Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database
- designed for high scalability
- tables require a primary key, but no schema required
- Data types are categorized as either scalar, set or document
- scaler: string, number, binary, bool, null
- set: string set, number set, binary set
- document: list, map
- notice this design pulls from lots of other NoSQL DB designs
DynamoDB Streams expose data for the purpose of tracking changes for processing and monitoring